Quail Facts
- There are 6 different species of quail: Bobwhite Quail, California Quail, Mountain Quail, Gambel's Quail, Scaled Quail, and Mearn's Quail.
- The Northern Bobwhite, or Bobwhite Quail, is the most widespread of the 6 species in the United Stated.
- Bobwhite quail range in weight from 6-8 ounces and in height from 6-8 inches.
- Bobwhite quail are ground dwelling birds.
- Bobwhite quail feed mainly on insects.
- The male quail's upper body is reddish-brown while the belly is pale and streaked. There is a white stripe above the eye with a white patch inside the black area around the throat. In females, this region is caramel-colored.
- During early fall, bobwhite quails form into social groups called coveys. Coveys spend the night on the ground in a circle with their heads pointed outward to conserve heat and to avoid nocturnal predators.
- Males begin their familiar "Bob-Bob-White" call to attract hens for mating in the spring.
- Nesting occurs from May through September.
- Clutch sizes vary from 10-20 eggs. The average amount is 12 eggs laid one a day.
- Incubation lasts 23-24 days.
- The chicks follow their parents upon hatching and fledge in 6-7 days.
- Chicks have a 30% mortality rate.
- Life expectancy of a bobwhite quail is less than one year.
- The bobwhite quail feeds mainly on insects.
- Due to the small heart of the quail, the average annual home range size is 40 acres. Some quail's home range is up to 200 acres depending on conditions.
- The flight speed of a bobwhite quail is 20-40mph. They can only fly short distances because flying raises their body temperature. If this temperature gets too high the bird will perish.
- Domestic cats, skunks, foxes, raccoons, owls, snakes, dogs, and hunters are predators of quail.
- The major factors leading to the decreasing numbers of bobwhite quail are habitat loss, intensive agricultural practices, and harsh winters.