Utah Quail Hunting
Directory of 3 Utah Quail hunting lodges, guides and outfitters in Utah.

Since the introduction of California valley quail to Utah many years ago, we have been enjoying great hunts without crowds. Our river bottoms are composed of many hidden ravines and hills loaded with thickets and cover perfect for these species. Many coveys can be found, but you must be willing to walk distances, and be patient. Be ready, as they will flush when you least expect it and are very fast flyers. Some Gambel’s quail can be found but are becoming more rare year after year. We recommend a mixed bag hunt to fill-in while in search of these pretty little upland birds.
Learn more about Fremont River Guides

The pheasants that you will hunt at Pheasant Grove are raised on the farm here in Corinne, UT. Great care is taken to raise quality fully feathered wild birds with long tails that flat get up and go when you and your dog flush them up. There are two variety’s of pheasants available, Manchurian ringneck cross and the melanistic mutants or black pheasants. Both are beautiful hardy birds that you will find give you and your dogs a great challenge. Chukar partridge is also available upon request.
Learn more about Pheasant Grove Hunting Preserve

The wing shooting on the Ranch is phenomenal. Professional bird rearing techniques have allowed us to raise birds that look and act identical to their wild counterparts. You will have a hard time believing that any of the birds you are hunting have been pen raised. We have spent countless hours creating and maintaining Mother Nature’s natural habitat on the Hunting Unit. Although this is a working ranch and crops are raised and harvested there is still an overabundance natural cover in and around the cultivated fields. You will be hunting natural and improved range-land a combination of rolling hills with dry farm wheat, barley, alfalfa, sage, CRP grass and irrigated farm ground. It is this habitat that allows the ranch to hold both released and wild birds on the property year round. We offer mixed bag hunts of partridge as well as the wily ring neck pheasant. During a typical hunt, it is not uncommon to see as many as 100 roosters and several coveys of partridge.
Learn more about Sportsmans Paradise at Whites Ranch